Jul 4, 20172 min


Psoriasis affects about 2 to 4% of the UK population. It is a chronic autoimmune condition where Keratinocytes double in number far too fast causing itchy, scaly patches on the skin, which are often covered by white patches. In other words, Psoriasis occurs when skin cells mature within 2-3 days rather than 21-28 days, as do normal, regular cells. The (Keratinocytes) skin cells replicate faster than the cells shed and so come together in visible layers. Psoriasis is not infectious and are not transferred from one part of the body to another. Keratinocytes are the most abundant cell type of epithelial (outer) layer of the skin, which synthesize the protein keratin. Keratin, in turn, is the protein that protects skin cells from damage or stress.

Psoriasis varies in its severity and can cover the whole body where the most common areas are the forearms, shins, navel and scalp. The exact cause is not known and is to a greater or lesser extent, genetic and the severity of any attack may be made worse by stress, alcohol, smoking, infection, hormones, an injury and some medications (such as beta-blockers).

The main treatment of the condition is by the use of creams, which include (subject to professional advice) Retinoids, Corticosetroids, variations of Vitamin D, Salicylic Acid and specialist moiturisers. There are systematic medications available for example, Methotrextate, Cylosporin and Retinoids.

The condition may be not be "cured" but through the systematic use of medication as mentioned above, avoidance of smoking and alcohol and vitamin supplements with Vitamin D and Omega Oils can help. Weight control is also important. Daily use of suitable emollients and creams will help maintain the skins hydration and go some way to preventing breakouts.

Note: The above is not a medical diagnosis nor should it be taken as such. For professional advice, you must visit your chosen qualified medical practitioner.

#Psoriasis #itchyskin
