Jul 1, 20192 min

Intimate Waxing

Intimate waxing and the Bikini line

Intimate waxing can be uncomfortable and stressful for many. Here are a few notes about what to expect and how to approach intimate waxing sessions.

Be prepared to have an open conversation. Competent therapists have seen it all before. A good therapist will be aware that you may be highly embarrassed and uncomfortable with the position you are in and sense the tension. They will keep you informed about the stage they are at and will cover your modesty as much as possible. Depending on the type of waxing, a session can last between 15 and 45 minutes. Do use intimate wipes before visiting your therapist. They may be available at the salon, but always take some with you, especially if you have had to travel some distance or are going to the salon straight after work. Waxing during a period is possible, but not advisable.

Do not trim hair in intimate regions before treatment. Your therapist needs to know that they will have at least 3 weeks growth for them to get a good finish (at least 5 mm but 10 mm is preferable). Any pre-trimming would be done by the therapist using clippers. Generally, this may be needed around the central areas.

Sweating does not help. Sweating may be caused by discomfort, hormonal issue or just the embarrassment of having the job done. Sweat is a form of moisture and any moisture stops the wax from doing its job properly. If the weather is hot, wear loose fitting clothes. Use talcum powder before your visit to try and keep things as dry as possible.

The wax used is important. Ask if the wax being used is designed for intimate areas. It probably will be, though many students are taught how to use hot wax and that they can only use hot wax two times on an area or run the risk of damaging the skin. Specialist, gentle wax may be used 4 or even 5 times on an area, when in the hands of a competent therapist.

Ingrowing hairs can be an issue, so it is important to use a good exfoliator daily, after treatment. Use an exfoliator that uses Salicylic Acid and Glycolic Acid to deal with ingrown hairs to escape. Howvere, such an exfoliator should be used with care, initially. Your therapist will advise when to start.
